ExtremA 2019 | The Book

With the ExtremA 2019 volume, around 80 authors, led by the ENGAGE – Geomorphological Systems and Risk Research group at the Institute of Geography and Risk Research at the University of Vienna, have published a unique collection of knowledge that was previously unavailable in Austria. To make this knowledge accessible to as broad an audience as possible, the volume can be obtained both as a paid hardcover edition and as a free digital version online.

The hardcover edition can be purchased directly from Vienna University PressThe free digital version is available for viewing through the eLibrary of Vienna University Press.


In the ExtremA 2019 volume, around 80 experts from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland have compiled their knowledge on selected extreme events of natural hazards in the Alpine region. These extremes include temperature, snow and ice loads, storms, heavy rainfall and hail, wildfires, low water levels, floods, flash floods, fluvial solid matter disasters, soil erosion, rockslides, rockfalls, stone impacts, landslides, debris flows, avalanches, permafrost hazards, glacier hazards, earthquakes, as well as so-called multi-hazards and cascading effects of these processes.

Meteorological Extreme Events

Temperature Extremes
Schöner W (Uni Graz), Haslinger K (ZAMG)
Snow and Ice Loads Winkler M (ZAMG), Kaufmann H (ZAMG), Schöner W (Uni Graz), Kuhn M (Uni Innsbruck)
Storm Matulla Ch (ZAMG), Feser F (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), Schöner W (Uni Graz), Starke H (ÖHV), Hofstätter M (ZAMG), Schlögl M (AIT), Chimani B (ZAMG), Andre K (ZAMG), Tordai J (ZAMG)
Heavy Precipitation & Hail Pistotnik G (ZAMG), Hofstätter M (ZAMG), Lexer A (ZAMG)
Wildfire Vacik H (BOKU), Müller M (BOKU), Degenhart J (LFV T), Sass O (Uni Graz)

Hydrological Extreme Events

Low Water
Laaha G (BOKU)
Floods Blöschl G (TU Wien)
Flash Floods Achleitner S (Uni Innsbruck), Kohl B (BFW), Lumassegger S (Uni Innsbruck), Huber A (Uni Innsbruck), Formayer H (BOKU), Weingraber F (Land OÖ)
Fluvial Solid Material Disasters Gems B (Uni Innsbruck), Kammerlander J (WLV), Moser M (WLV), Aufleger M (Uni Innsbruck)
Overload Cases Schneiderbauer S (EURAC), Hartmann S (EURAC), Aufleger M (Uni Innsbruck)
Soil Erosion Strauss P (BAW), Schmaltz E (BAW)

Gravitational Extreme Events

Rock Glide, Rock Avalanche, and Earth/Debris Flow
Zangerl C (BOKU), Mergili M (Uni Wien / BOKU), Prager C (AlpS / ILF Consulting Engineers Austria), Sausgruber T (WLV), Weidinger J (Erdkudok)
Rockfall & Rockfall Impact Preh A (TU Wien), Mölk M (WLV), Illeditsch M (TU Wien)
Loose Rock Landslides & Slope Mudflows Glade T (Uni Wien), Koçiu A (GBA), Tilch N (GBA)
Mudflows Kaitna R (BOKU), Prenner D (BOKU), Hübl J (BOKU)
Avalanches Studeregger A (LWD STMK&NÖ / ZAMG), Podesser A (LWD STMK&NÖ / ZAMG), Mitterer C (LWD T), Fischer JT (BFW), Ertl W (LWD KTN)

Glacial & Periglacial Extreme Events

Permafrost Hazards
Otto J-C (Uni Salzburg), Krautblatter M (TUM), Sattler K (Uni Wien)
Glacier Hazards Fischer A (ÖAW), Schöner W (Uni Graz), Otto J-C (Uni Salzburg)

Other Extreme Events

Lenhardt W (ZAMG), Hammerl C (ZAMG), Papi-Isaba M (ZAMG), Weginger S (ZAMG)
Multi-Hazards & Cascade Effects Pöppl R (Uni Wien), Sass O (Uni Graz)

Societal Aspects of Extreme Events

In addition to the discussion of extreme ranges of individual processes and process areas, the ExtremA 2019 anthology also addresses technical, natural, and societal aspects in the context of extreme events. These include, among other things, protective forests, critical infrastructures, vulnerability, economic dimensions, disaster management, and overload situations.

Protective Forests
Kleemayr K (BFW), Perzl F (BFW), Markart G (BFW), Hoch G (BFW), Schüler S (BFW), Wiltsche P (BOKU)
Critical Infrastructures Kurt Hager (BM.I)
Vulnerability Papathoma-Köhle M (BOKU), Fuchs S (BOKU)
Economic Dimensions Franz Sinabell (WIFO)
Disaster Management Siegfried Jachs (BM.I)