Founded in Austria following the devastating flood disasters of 1968, the international research society INTERPRAEVENT focuses on extreme natural hazard events. Building on interdisciplinary collaboration, the organization holds conferences every two years to strengthen international cooperation, connect researchers and practitioners, and promote the exchange and discussion of knowledge.
From June 10 to 13, 2024, the INTERPRAEVENT conference was held in Vienna. The event brought together around 500 participants from more than 20 countries to discuss the significant impacts of global warming on natural hazards. Recognizing that traditional approaches to hazard prevention and disaster management often fail to fully capture the complexity of the challenges, the conference focused on the theme: "Natural Hazards in Climate Change – How Can Risks Be Managed in the Context of Global Warming?"
Extreme events were also addressed in various contexts. The latest findings on extremes related to natural hazards were presented and linked to societal management and governance options.
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Image Gallery
Further image impressions of INTERPRAEVENT 2024 can be found on the official website of INTERPRAEVENT.
Conference Proceedings
The summarized conference proceedings can be found for further reading on the official website of INTERPRAEVENT.
Karte zu Naturgefahren
An interactive map of natural hazards in Austria can be found on
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